Create a TV ad-worthy gift for Mother’s Day.

Creating a stunning custom gift for Mum this Mother’s Day couldn’t be simpler. In these lockdown times, we can even deliver the gift straight to Mum’s door so she still gets a lovely surprise on the big day!
Head over to our site to access great Mother’s Day Deals. (If you’ve signed up for our promotional emails, we will keep you posted on all the latest offers and shipping cut off dates.) We showcased a variety of Mother’s Day designs in our TV ad, and wanted to show you how to easily ‘get the look’ of those TV designs. Check it out below.
Slim Canvas

Create a stunning slim canvas for Mum.
1st design chosen: Slim Canvas: Family > Script Family (In this example, we moved the Family Script to the left to better suit the image.)
2nd design chosen: Slim Canvas: Family > Gold Painted Dots
Photo Book

Mum will love this photo book layout. Design chosen: 11×8” Hardcover Photo Book: Family > Family Farmhouse. We simplified some of the page layouts by deleting some of the photo frame elements on the page and adding some family and love-themed embellishments
11oz Coffee Mug

Design chosen: Family > Family Love. Tip: We changed the background of this 11oz personalised photo mug using Patterns > Watercolour Whimsical (found under “Backgrounds” in the left hand navigation).
Mother’s Day Greeting Card

Design chosen: Floral picture Card
Acrylic Keyring

Acrylic Keyring design chosen: Simple: Simple Collage. We then deleted a photo location and added an embellishment found under Special Occasions > Mother’s Day
Water Bottle

Custom Water Bottle design chosen: We chose the Simple water bottle design in the builder and then we added a background (Patterns > Dip Dye), frame and text embellishments (Frames) Basics > Frames & Corners & (Text) Collections > Family Man
Fleece Blanket & Small Cushion

Personalised Photo Blanket design chosen: Collage > Love Lives Here
Small Cushion design chosen: We chose the Single Image cushion layout in the builder. (You could easily add embellishments as the image above shows, to give the design some extra flourishes.)
Plant Pot

Photo Plant Pot design chosen: We chose the plant pot design in the builder, found under Love > Peace Love Family (and added some photos)
For added style, don’t forget to look at our range of Mum-themed embellishments.

Whichever custom gifts and cards you end up choosing for Mum (or Gran or even Auntie) this Mother’s Day, they’re bound to absolutely adore it! Don’t forget to share your Mother’s Day creations with us. You can tag us with @snapfishuk in your photos on Instagram or Facebook or use the hashtag #snapfishuk. Don’t forget to follow us on YouTube, Twitter and Pinterest, too.